This is my very first blog post. It has been a long time coming and I have put a lot of thought into what I wanted my first posting to say. When I decided to pursue photography three years ago I went out and bought a journal. I opened it up and I began writing as fast as my hand could keep up with my thoughts. What I wrote was one of the barest purest positions of my heart. I was asking God to take my dreams and abilities. Really take them. I also asked for direction as I started out on this new path. I had a real honest trust, truly believing He would guide me. I know when I wrote those words I meant it; with my whole being. And I wasn't scared. I often forget where my focus should be, forget to ask for guidance, forget that I can't do it on my own strength. When I am clouded, empty, and have lost direction, I take out my old journal and reread the first page. It reminds me of the foundation of where this all started and how I want to get there. I wanted this first entry to be a reminder to myself. That when I have lost perspective and am off course, to look back at the beginning and remember, get on my knees, pray, stand back up and stay on course.