Get to know me

Images taken by James Christianson

Images taken by James Christianson


Hello, I am Laura of Laura Lee Anderson Photography. I am luckily the wife to my best friend Alan. Our family has grown to four with the addition of our two little ones, Ziah and David. Being a wife and a parent has its difficulties, but laughing together cures the meaningless frustrations and reminds me of how deep my love runs for my family.

Simple Truths About Me

Margaritas are best when made from scratch, with a basket of warm chips, a bowl of salsa and great company.

I have seen Ocean's 11 and 13 non-stop for years and they are just as funny as the first time I watched them. 

Being outside in the crisp mountain air with the warmth of the sun on my skin brings me life.

You can know when I am truly joyful by the tears that well up in my eyes.

There is always something I can be thankful for no matter how dark my day may seem. 

I hope to never stop learning, to always dream big, and remember love is much more than a feeling.

There are few things in the world that compare to kissing my children on their heads and whispering "I love you" as I tuck them in at night.

Wedding days are just the beginning. The beginning of a new family, a deeper love, of sacrifice, and a lifetime of adventure.

I would not be the person I am today without the grace of Jesus Christ.

Now that you learned a little bit about me, I would love to get to know you!  Visit my "Let's Connect" page so we can get together!